
This one goes out to JT.

Jonah's manager, a marketing wunderkind in his day, knew they'd have a hit on their hands if they could somehow combine cone bras and construction. This debut fared much better than both its follow-ups, "I backfill floozies" and the more honest "I pay for sex."

This record sold surprisingly well, mostly because people thought it was a comedy album. It contains, in fact, 128 funeral dirges.

Nice of these gals to prop themselves up like that, so's not to get in the way of the road. It's the only way in or out of Dreamtown!

Nobody wants this story, Slim. No-body.

Roger doesn't remember it, but this photo shoot took place in just 28 seconds, using only his "got any crack?" face.


I can answer that one for ya, Fos: it's "estra." Kudos to the photographer, though, for getting this pre-trampling shot.

New accent? How bout a new sharpie? Seriously, you spent less money on this font work than Foster Edwards (although you did fit all the words in). You could have had wigged elephants, Man!

You're welcome, Mikey. You're welcome.

My vote for #1. Hands down. Too soon?

Sorry, I've seen Skid Row Joe. He does NOT look like that. And he can't sign his name. On account of he's dead.

Hey, fuck you. I like this cover. It has rainbow-punching, a sportscaster, and a monster guy. What more do you want, you pricks? Next you'll be telling me Sesame Street Disco is bad.

You want to know where Kankakee, Illinois is? It's right here, my friend. It's all right here.

Proof that not every Sears portrait should be an album cover. Dad sure looks happy to be here, though.

I don't know, Cody. You still haven't returned the last one you borrowed. Remember, when you came by last week for a cup of retarded?

Ah, who could forget the Scottish Liberace? Certainly not the poor souls it ate.

Nothing about this could really be described as "live."

This is fucking gangster, bitches. You see that crack in his hand? Roger would KILL for some o' that shit.

Organ does not, in this case, refer to the musical instrument.

Dammit! I already blew my organ joke.

This is the kind of happiness that Merrill seeks. The blood red kind.

Before Rush Limbaugh was king of the airwaves, he was king of all the taverns. And of the retarded laugh. And of being a fat sweaty pig. Jesus.

Ron experimented with many methods for navigating his home-built "go-buggy-dune-kart" before finally settling on the simplest: an anthropomorphic female robot with an opening in the back of its head. This created a "look ma, no hands" effect, while the actual steering was done by Ron's penis. What Ron did NOT account for was that his "boner-pilot" system required an erection from the driver, which Ron was unable to maintain. The whole thing ended very badly shortly after this photo was taken.
And finally...

I just....I don't...William Butler Yeats would not possibly have the words.