Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Likely Scenario: ZZ Top Goes Goth

ZZ Top and vampires. What could possibly go wrong?

Yes, that's Fairuza Balk as the goth hottie and yes again that's worst-Bond-movie-assassin-ever Vincent Schiavelli as her... Um, I'm not sure exactly. Whatever. He's creepy.

This was about the last time we saw the longbeards on the network that killed the radio star. Some might blame this video. I might blame a 7-minute long bluesy meditation on being stuck in a relationship from the guys who gave you "Pearl Necklace", "Tube Snake Boogie", and "Legs." That might be overestimating your audience a bit.


JT said...

Kudos to the boys in beards for somehow managing to create a video that out-craps their audio. Except for the ending; that dissolve was pure genius.

John Waters On Safari said...

How could either of you neglect to mention the amazing guitar-playing bats hanging upside-down in the ZZ Top cave? Fantastic.

Mike Lisboa said...

I also didn't mention that they managed to work in a guitar-shaped boat, a safety flare, and the little-known fact that apparently vampires love ketchup because it's red. There's so much to love/hate about this video. It's awesome.